Opera Scuola Prandoni di Torno

Mosaic form:

Authors: Students of the secondary school of Torno

Year of publication: 2017


Information about the work:

A group of students from the first grade secondary of Torno (Istituto Comprensivo Lago di Como) created the mosaic work as part of a project funded by "Fondazione Comasca" against early school leaving and coordinated by Tiziana Tettamanti.

Three other mosaics were in the school headquarters of Torno.

The work is on the stairway from Lariana to the Town Hall and the School of Blevio.

Technique used:

After drawing sketches and designing variants in groups, the boys made the mosaic with tiles on the grid.

The sketches selected for the work are from Carlo Riva (class 3 ^) and Sara Stringhetti (class 2 ^).

Author’s website:


Photo Gallery: